Have you noticed that the thing you want to most in the world is often the hardest to get hold of?  Often the more you desire it the less easily it comes to you.

The constant holding onto and worry of not getting it, weather its that relationship, a job promotion or anything that you most desire, it seems to be relentless.  The thoughts that occupy your mind with concern and fear will push your desires even further away.

Think of something you never really wanted  and notice how easily it came to you, efortlesly, why is this?  It's no coincidence that when we hold onto something so tightly we push it away, so it's natural that when we let go it will often come back to us.

Try to apply this to a relationship or anything in your life that you want to change and once you have done the work you know you need to do in the desired area, then let it go.  Let the thought and worry and concern go and focus your mind on a completely different area of your life.  Take action in another area of life, involving friends or a hobby, something else that you CAN do.

Allowing yourself to relax and let go of the repetitive worry of the thing you want and don't have will release some endorphins that allow you to breathe with ease and that's exactly when you can think straight and gain a new perspective.  Your energy will shift and positive changes take place.

Holding on too tight creates burnout for you and for those around you, so find your trust in the universe and allow yourself to slowly start to LET IT GO.

With love

Jo Barnett