JoWGood mental health and wellbeing means doing the things we love some of the time and doing the things that we least love lots of the time. You may or may not enjoy doing your own marketing, admin, finance, tidying up, yet we still need to do it to get the job done and for the overall success.. The same applies to your mental health, it's the things like taking a deep breath, a short walk, a cup of green tea and a few moments away from the computer.

Mental health and wellbeing is part of your job, so what ever you are doing today remember to take some time to look after yourself.  Especially the things you tell yourself, please notice your language and what you say in your head.

According to research, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. What's  really concerning is that 75% of these thoughts are negative, and 95% are repetitive.

Three kind things you can say to yourself today;

'Today I am exactly where I am supposed to be'

'I will choose a new habit that serves me and nurtures me'

'I am doing my best and that is more than good enough"

'I am growing and developing each day'

Repeat these thoughts and notice when the negative ones come in, and let them go.

For all your mental health and wellness needs contact me for a free consultation.

Warm Wishes

Jo Barnett