Are you looking for a new job? Just left University or College? Time for a change of direction? Career Coaching offers you friendly support and guidance with all things career related, including confidence building, guidance, interview prep and role playing interview Q & A. You are in safe hands For...

Are you a couple in conflict? The past months have been tough on relationships, with everyone cooped up together, with less or no social outlet or space, it’s no wonder more people are coming to me for help. I’m going to give you a quick and simple...

Time means something to all of us. Time seems to be flying by at the moment, the days roll into one and before you know it we have the weekend again.  Within weeks we will be getting back into 'normal life' and this time in isolation...

What will you choose today Nearly three weeks into isolation and I want to check in with you, and see how you are doing?  I know that for all of us it’s a strange and scary time, for ourselves and for our loved ones, not forgetting...

Fed up with swiping right? Not having the success you want with online dating? Short of time and bored of conversations that don't go anywhere? Feel like giving up with dating all together? Then you need to come and see Jo Barnett, the Dating Coach, Relationship Expert and Match...

Why are there so many gorgeous women settling for dead end relationships? That’s the question I have been asking myself this week as I look around and see these strong, confident, gorgeous women who have everything accept one major attribute, their self-esteem. From the earliest age of...